Presentation on 14th May 2011 of Pipe Banner to
1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland by
Major Philip Grant on behalf of
The Regimental Trustees
of The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
"The 14th of May is an important and a historic date. It is 322 years ago on the 14th of May that the Cameronians were raised in one day at Douglas in Lanarkshire and 43 years ago since they returned there to disband. None of the thousands of us who were there at the disbandment will ever forget it. It is very good to see our flag flying here today at the headquarters as it has done on the 14th of May each year since.
Colonel Hugh Mackay, the Chairman of the Regimental Trustees, is very sorry he is unable to be with us today due to ill health. To you, Colonel Wrench and the 1st Battalion, he sends his apologies and good wishes. To you, Cameronians, he asked me to say how sorry he is that he is unable to be here to greet you personally. He has asked me to present this pipe banner on his behalf and on behalf of the Regimental Trustees.
To you, the pipers who will carry it, I would say, “Carry it with pride!”. It is a replica of the pipe banner carried by our Pipe Major. On the original, on the reverse, is the personal cipher of our Colonel-in-Chief, the King of Sweden, King Gustaf VI Adolphus. On your pipe banner of course there is your regimental crest.
To you, Colonel Wrench and the 1st Battalion, I would say, “March behind it with pride!” You will not, of course, be marching at 140 paces to the minute: that was our privilege alone! But I’m sure you will march behind it with just as much pride as we would.
It gives me great pleasure then to present this pipe banner to the 1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland from The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles).’
Major Philip Grant - 14th May 2011
A selection of photographs taken on the 14th May 2011 are available online >>>
Source: 'The Disbandment Souvenir
Programnme' published by the Regimental Trustees, The Cameronians
(Scottish Rifles).